Premier Membership

 Premier Membership
Who is this Membership for?Business and Public Speakers ready to position themselves in the marketplace to accelerate the business they generate from Speaking Engagements. (includes SM Benefits)
BenefitsAll the Benefits of Spotlight Members

Social Media Campaigns, featuring YOU, aimed at Meeting Planners – We will add your content to our campaigns to help drive more traffic to your Speaker Profile Page.

Promotional Campaigns promoting your events and programs – When you hold special events, we will create Meetups just for your event, which will add almost 2,000 more self-identified prospects interested in speaking that we can promote to for you.

Opportunity to Lead Speaker Co-op Programs & Events.

 First Choice Status for Inbound Speaking Inquiries.
 Opportunity to Interview other members for videos on their profiles.
 Speaker Co-op Promotes Your Products & Services.
 Leadership & Personal Development available throughout Speaker Co-op.
Regular Price

Healthcare BenefitsClick Here for Details

Only $499 a year.
