Jeff Weaver Speaks On:
- Avoiding the 7 Most Costly Mistakes Networkers Make – In this Talk, Jeff pulls back the curtain on some common missteps businesspeople make that limit their results when they are networking.
- The Reticular Activator: Activating Referrals – Giving and Receiving referrals should be on purpose, not an accident. Funny Ah-Ha moments and practical easy-to-use strategies will generate referrals TODAY.
- Business the Caveman Way to Modern Day – Everyone has heard the word ‘barter.’ Get some of ‘The Good Life’ back utilizing barter as a tool in business and personal settings.
- Networking Nuggets: Common Sense is Not So Common – Jeff teaches critical basics of networking relationship building. He delves into 4 very specific, common-sense applications and mind-sets.
Jeff’s professional career has been based on a foundation of creating and developing mutually beneficial professional and personal relationships. He speaks, trains, and mentors professionals in the same. He has a successful track record in sales and management in: technology, retail, advertising, real estate, and now, modern barter exchange.