Speaker Sampler

Speaker Co-op Speaker Sampler & Showcase Videos


Kirk McLaren 7/9/24


Sammi Sadicario 7/9/24

Showcase 11/14/23 Amber Griffiths, Cynthia Greathouse, Jeff Klein

Call or Email to Schedule & Customize a Training.

  • Claim Your People at Work: How Inclusive Leaders Keep Employees Engaged and Productive– In this talk, Dea Irby shares her 5 Facets of Magnetic Leadership to expose the bottom line causes of the Great Resignation and how to keep your best people from leaving for greener pastures. She has lived in 5 Southern states, in 15+ different homes serving churches with her pastor-husband, owned & operated a tea room, and is now a Realtor® in North Carolina. The common thread throughout her life is building real community wherever she has lived: in the home with 8 children, in their churches, and in her businesses. She is a TEDx Speaker and a published author.
  • Embracing the Millennial Mind!: How to stop hating your newest customers – Millennials get a bad rap from just about everyone, in this talk Gini Trask will take a deep dive into the Millennial mindset and how to win over the generation that are soon to be their most important customers. Millennials simply will not do business “old school,” and in this talk she will discuss why and how to adapt business to win in the “new school.”
  • Surrender the Struggle to Release the Pain– How unconscious stories you don’t even know about are affecting your prosperity, relationships, and health. How the stories of the people around you are affecting you. Shiraz Baboo is an Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, and Reality Shifting Specialist. Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers hire Shiraz to rewrite their business stories, and with them, their reality because most people are unknowingly addicted to stories of adversity and struggle and left with a lack of success, confidence, and freedom.
  • Get Known Everywhere – If you want to be the #1 Influencer in your industry, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, she provides you with short-term, doable tactics that boost visibility for you and your brand. Her expertise will drive prospects to your door and profits to your pockets!
  • Networking Nuggets: Common Sense is Not So Common – Jeff Weaver teaches critical basics of networking relationship building. He delves into 4 very specific, common-sense applications and mind-sets. Jeff’s professional career has been based on a foundation of creating and developing mutually beneficial professional and personal relationships. He speaks, trains, and mentors professionals in the same. He has a successful track record in sales and management in technology, retail, advertising, and real estate.
  • Get Up and Speak: The 7 P’s to Effective Presentations – In this talk, 30-year speaker Jeff Klein shares how to be effective and to overcome the fear of public speaking. Whether it’s a sales presentation to 1 person or a keynote to thousands, the same principals apply.
  • Break the Cycle of Procrastination – Learn about the three types of procrastination, how to break the cycle of fear that leads us to procrastinate, and cultivate a take action mindset. Elizabeth Mahusay is an expert in thought transformation and believes that right thinking is the foundation for success. Throughout her career, she’s trained thousands of people to overcome negative thinking while implementing proven systems that create a growth Author of two books, Elizabeth is a sales and leadership coach with Southwestern Consulting.
  • You & Me: A New Business Model – 67% of American Employees do not like their jobs or where they work. In this talk, Kenda-Le Pernin shares how to create a transformed organization in which employees, customers, shareholders, and the entire community win. This model creates a culture of collaboration, cooperation, and responsibility.
  • SALES CHECK-UP: Prescription for Healthy SalesDebbie Mrazek, author of The Field Guide to Sales, “grew up” in the technology industry back in the good ol’ days of selling for many different manufacturing companies. In this talk, she opens the books on successful sales processes to transform bottom line results.
  • 9 Secrets to Healthy Travel with John Ayo – This presentation will help you reduce stress, sleep better, and stay balanced while traveling by focusing on natural/healthy choices that you can make while on the road. This talk is especially for those who work on the road and can’t afford to be stuck in their hotel room bed.
  • What I Learned about Life by Scaling Mount Rainier– In this inspiring journey, JoAnne Marceau teaches insights on being Unstoppable that she gained on her climb, including the ‘code’ to clarifying and fulfilling personal and professional vision.
  • Double Your Productivity Using Proven Brain-Based Learning Strategies – Imagine being able to spice up your existing presentations with new information that makes them irresistible. Also Imagine increasing productivity, increasing profits, and having more time to do the things you love. Howard Berg, the World’s Fastest Reader, reveals his super-fast learning strategies for zipping through information at blazing fast speed, yet retaining the information, so you can accomplish these and much, much more.
  • 5 Steps to Having Your Best Day Ever!with Cindy Baccus – Tired of showing up to work grumpy, unorganized, and unhappy? Dread calling clients or meeting a new group of people? This step-by-step guide will show the audience how have a great day every day, to set better priorities, make time go further, ace every interaction, be their smartest selves, strengthen personal impact, be resilient to setbacks, and boost energy and enjoyment. Not only will this boost job satisfaction, but also performance at work.

Book Now: Call 757-96-SPEAK (77325) or email Jeff@SpeakerCoop.com