Career Speaking


Ashton Smith

I’ve had the privilege of competing in the World Games, Dubai and in Seattle, at a National US Games. It is a unique honor and I am truly blessed to have accomplished that feat, which is especially amazing since I am a legally blind African-American female. I just published a book called Swimming UPSTREAM. I host my Keep Swimming With Ashton podcast and join as a guest on many other shows and podcasts. I’m currently seeking opportunities as a public speaker.

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Raja Vaidya

fter 38 Years in Martial arts training in 6 styles, Raja Vaidya learned it’s never too late to grow. He helps people improve their health, have more confidence, relieve stress, improve awareness, communication, and leadership. His clients improve their businesses!

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Steve Reiner

Steve’s speaking style is energetic, entertaining, and engaging. The topics he talks about resonate with a variety of people because they are real stories, from real experience, that come from the heart. It was through tough times and desperation that he found new ways to grow in every one of his jobs. It was the numerous positions he held, mentors he had, and managers he worked for that Steve credits with the growth and success he has enjoyed in his career. Now he is on a mission to pay it back, pay it forward, and help create the leaders we need for tomorrow.

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Women's Positivity Coach

Wanda La Russa

Wanda has been trained by some of the top leaders in the self-improvement industry such as: public speaker and self-development author Brian Tracy, speaker and author Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Secret – the Law of Attraction,) Chris Gardner (speaker whose life was the basis of the movie The Pursuit of Happiness,) and participated in a workshop conducted by Oprah Winfrey.

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Frank King

Frank King, Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer, was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years, is a Corporate Comedian, syndicated humor columnist, and podcast personality, who was featured on CNN’s Business Unusual.

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Craig Gustafson

As a non-verbal communications coach, Craig is on a mission to help everyone thrive in social situations, because “we all win when we have great interactions.”

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Lesley Evans

Lesley is an International Speaker and International Best-Selling Author of “DeFUNK YourSELF”.  Her mission is to empower Women to give themselves permission to be limitless. By building awareness and presence, women find their sense of passion, intuition, and unlock endless possibilities to manifest the life they truly desire.

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Robert Butwin

Robert Butwin grew up in his family’s business with every expectation of someday running the show. After all, his family founded the high school award cheerleading jacket business, which was in its third generation in an ever expanding market and Robert was the oldest son! Robert’s future seemed certain as he worked in the business part time throughout college, and then joined full time upon graduation with a business degree.

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Keith Shaw

Keith Shaw is a leadership and personal development speaker, trainer and coach who has 20+ years of Fortune 500 company experience, a Master’s degree in Management and Leadership, former university professor, DISC Behavior Style analyst and John Maxwell certified speaker, trainer and coach. He is an ambassador for personal development and leadership and is committed to making the world a better place by serving others.

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Melody Owen

Melody Ann is the founder of Author Nation, a publishing system and community to take professionals from idea to successfully published nonfiction author. She has worked with both traditionally published and self-published authors, and understands the pros and cons of each publishing path. Melody Ann has worked in almost every aspect of the publishing world from book coaching, structural editing, to sales and marketing with Oxford University Press. She has taught writing at the university and college level both in the Americas and Japan.

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