Sales & Marketing Speaking


Brandon Powell

Brandon Powell is a business therapist with The Business Therapy Firm. He thoroughly enjoys teaching and empowering his clients to maximize their revenue earning potential. He enjoys the fact that his business model is scalable; so whether he is working with a Chamber Of Commerce or an aspiring entrepreneur, he customizes the process to yield the best results.

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Darin Adams

Darin Adams is an award-winning communication and marketing expert who has coached thousands of businesses how to build connections with their audiences. All success starts with relationships and he has taught people all around the world how to build those relationships through automation. Now he wants to show you how you can get organized, get customers, and get paid.

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Alla Bardov

Alla Bardov, Founder of “Sell Yourself For Success,” utilizes sales education to help organizations, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals optimize each stage of the sales process to achieve and sustain extraordinary results.

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Alison Ver Halen

Alison Ver Halen is a content marketer and SEO strategist who helps small business owners such as yourself attract, engage, and convert high-quality leads online so you don’t have to go hunt them down. She does this by creating long form website content that is engaging, SEO friendly, and leads readers to the next step in the buyer journey.

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Marla Press

Marla Press, aka “Igniter of Speakers on Fire,” is a Public Speaking Coach, Life Coach, and Art of Presence™ Trainer. She helps you build your presence, master your energy, and make a bigger impact by increasing your wow factor and your trust factor.
Marla has a degree in psychology, has worked as a Practice Management Consultant, and has been an Inclusion and Diversity Consultant. She has authored 3 books on psychology.   

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Robert Butwin

Robert Butwin grew up in his family’s business with every expectation of someday running the show. After all, his family founded the high school award cheerleading jacket business, which was in its third generation in an ever expanding market and Robert was the oldest son! Robert’s future seemed certain as he worked in the business part time throughout college, and then joined full time upon graduation with a business degree.

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Melody Owen

Melody Ann is the founder of Author Nation, a publishing system and community to take professionals from idea to successfully published nonfiction author. She has worked with both traditionally published and self-published authors, and understands the pros and cons of each publishing path. Melody Ann has worked in almost every aspect of the publishing world from book coaching, structural editing, to sales and marketing with Oxford University Press. She has taught writing at the university and college level both in the Americas and Japan.

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Yoram Solomon

Dr. Yoram Solomon is the author of The Book of Trust (now in 3rd edition, and the most comprehensive book ever written about trust), the book series Can I Trust You? and host of The Trust Show podcast. He published a total of 16 books and more than 300 articles on Trust, Innovation Culture, and Entrepreneurship. Yoram holds a Ph.D. in organization and management, an MBA, a law degree, and an engineering degree. He is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship, a 2-time TEDx speaker, a former executive, elected official, pilot, and member of the Israeli 35th airborne brigade.

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Dea Irby

Selected Speaker Topics Include: Claim Your People at Work: How Inclusive Leaders Keep Employees Engaged and Productive – In this talk, Dea shares her 5

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Shawn Johnson

Shawn shares solutions for attracting and developing inspiring leaders at every level, motivating, and engaging a generational inclusive workforce, and communicating effectively using a common vocabulary.

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