Monthly Events
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Speaker Co-op Recurring Monthly Zoom Events:
Please ADD These Events to Your Calendar as Recurring Monthly Events.
- Co-op the Mic: Practice Stage w/Professional Coaching, 2nd Monday, 3-4 PM Central. This is the practice stage for Speaker Co-op Members to hone their craft. Members get 10 minutes to workshop a piece of their talk and get constructive feedback from experts to help polish and make it more effective.
- Speaker Showcase Zoom, 2nd Tuesday, 9-10 AM Central. Each month 3 of our member Speakers get the chance to shine for 15 minutes, showing off what they do for audiences. The archives of these talks are in the public area of the website for meeting planners to peruse.
- Skill Builder Zoom, 3rd Friday, 11:45AM-1:15PM Central. We’ve been holding this meeting every month since January, 2006. We feature several of our members giving spotlight talks and one offers a keynote address on a topic of interest to Speakers about their business or the business of Speaking, followed by a rousing roundtable discussion of the keynote and its practical applications for speakers of all experience levels.
- Co-op the Mic: Practice Stage w/Professional Coaching, 4th Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 AM Central. This is the practice stage for Speaker Co-op Members to hone their craft. Members get 10 minutes to workshop a piece of their talk and get constructive feedback from experts to help polish and make it more effective.
- Hot Seat Coaching Zoom, Last Friday, 2:30 – 3 PM Central. Attendees get the opportunity to sit in the spotlight and receive individual coaching on custom areas from “Topics to Get You Booked” to “My Golden Ticket Product” and everything they need in between.
- Mastermind, 1st Thursday, 9-10 AM Central. MEMBERS ONLY EXCLUSIVE EVENT (This Meeting is Not on the Meetup!) Each month, led by a Speaker Co-op Member, we help each other with challenges in our businesses and share best practices. Recordings of these sessions are available in the members area of the website.
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All Speaker Co-op Recurring Zooms take place here:
Meeting ID: 2911918715
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