Selected Speaker Topics:
- Surrender the Struggle to Release the Pain – How unconscious stories you don’t even know about are affecting your prosperity, relationships, and health as your grow your business. How the stories of the people around you are affecting you.
- The Problem is Actually the Solution: Why you secretly want that big problem to stay and don’t realize it. – How to create bigger results in your business and your life with simple tools. How you are addicted to situations of struggle in your business.
Shiraz Baboo is an Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, and Reality Shifting Specialist. Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers hire Shiraz to rewrite their business stories, and with them, their reality because most people are unknowingly addicted to stories of adversity and struggle and left with a lack of success, confidence, and freedom. Shiraz helps you to eliminate, terminate, and annihilate your unconscious addiction to these stories in order to ignite a stream of high paying clients while fuelling an abundance of free time, money, and energy.