Certified Speaker Assistant

Like Working With People?

Professional Demeanor?

Organized and Efficient?

Get Certified to Be a Speaker Assistant.

You’ll Learn How to Support Speakers when they Present at Events, Workshops, Meetings, etc.

  • Work With the Audience
  • Set up Sales Table
  • Set up A/V Equipment
  • Help the Speaker Make Sales
  • Earn Fee + Commissions*

Speaker Co-op is Certifying Speaking Assistants to Ensure You’re Ready to Be the Best Assistant Available. We’ve been training and educating Speakers since 2006, so we know what Speakers need. You’ll learn practical tools and systems to get hired right away to work with Professional and Business Speakers.
The First Class is March 12 from 11 – 2 near 35 & 635 in Dallas.

RSVP Here!

Email training@SpeakerCoop.com for questions.